Happy Holidays
All the best to you and yours this holiday season!
Love the one you‘re with.
Alles Gute für Sie und Ihre Lieben in dieser Weihnachtszeit!
Lieb die Person, mit der du zusammen bist.
A ChocolateMedia.de Film from 2014
Berlin gegen Gewalt
eine Reihe von Filmen, die ich für das Berliner Gewaltpräventionsprogramm im Jahr 2023 erstellt habe.
Produziert von ChocolateMedia.de – Media Arts Design/Production und Greenstorming – Agentur für nachhaltiges Eventmanagement Eine Produktion im Auftrag der Landeskommission Berlin gegen Gewalt Senatsverwaltung für Inners und Sport.
Eine schöne Gelegenheit, Film und Ton für ein wichtiges Thema zu erstellen.
Branding Elements Animation and Music for Herzton.click
Designed, Scored and Produced Branding Video elements for Herzton.click
Queer Lives Matter – Sound Track Pre-release Single!
The Feature single “Lives Matter InTheHouse” by ChocoBeats composed for the winner of Berlin Independent Film Festival Best LGBT Film, and the Out & Loud Pune International Queer Film Festival Best Documentary (International) and critically acclaimed film, Queer Lives Matter Film is online for sale and streaming on iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play, Spotify, Tidal, Amazon Music, Deezer, Napster, Google Music, Shazam and YouTube Music and more. (Full Soundtrack will follow soon after.)

10% of profits will be donated toLGBTQIA+ Humanitarian Support
Including donations to the Emántes international LGBTQIA+ Solidarity organisation featured in the Queer Lives Matter Film that supports LGBTQIA+ Refugees. https://www.paypal.me/emantes
Queer Lives Matter Trailer
Recently finished the trailer for the brilliant documentary film QUEER LIVES MATTER that I made with Director Markus Kowalski this year.
ein paar aktuelle Porträts
- Gypsy Tango
- Danish Sweet, Model: Amelie
- Peter Schell – Schauspieler https://peter-schell.eu/
- David Farmer – Author of Heidegger Le Nazi
Die XYZ – Das Fest (Music Video)
A fun project to create with this great Berlin Based Rock Band.
(G20) Youth 20 Dialogue
As film producer embedded with the participants for this G-20 event I Produced, Shot, Edited, and Scored a series of pieces for media distribution and use on the German Federal Government’s Ministries websites. more samples can be found here at the official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPw6lsRDJCN19e-3ikWE3Zg
finishing a new website: PremioBerlin.de
- PremioBerlin.de
- PremioBerlin.de
- PremioBerlin.de
Shorelight Pictures
Cinematography, Music, Animation for Logo Splash and Video Editing of Trailers for Shorelight Pictures Website
Traversing a Melting Sun.
Traversing a Melting Sun
text, music & video by Russ. C. Smith
voice: Alexandra Bourne
(in loving memory of Bapak Mangku Ketur Liyer)
another iPhone Film.
©2016 ChocolateMedia.de – All Rights Reserved.
Recent Website Projects
Raum für Leben
The Dancing Tree
Shorelight Pictures
Raifa Slota Photography
Ildana Khalitova Make Up Artist
Christiane Grübbel
New Promotional Films – Für the Natur des Mench
Here are some samples of recent Promotional Films I’ve made:
Rosenfeld – Für the Natur des Mench – Folge 1
Rosenfeld – Für the Natur des Mench – Folge 2
MISTRESS – The Short Film
Just completed Design of Website, Press Kit and Trailer for MISTRESS
Produced by Schenk Productions
Featuring the Original Music from Berlin based composer Cassis Birgit Staudt.